🚀 Exciting News! We have just purchased Helios to supercharge the voice experience for our platform! Read More
arkets EQ
The Most Advanced AI for Communications
The only generative AI platform in the world that leverages the power of voice tone fused with language understanding for finance.

Markets EQ is built on top of the world's best AI infrastructure

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Markets EQ is available to be your co-pilot on communications. Pre-event? Check. Post-event. Check! And what about ideas in between like the most important themes to focus on? Check and check.

EQ Matters

EQ Matters

Markets EQ leverages domain specific models for emotional intelligence like Nebula from Symbl.ai. The world of AI can help augment our most powerful human trait; the nuance of language and our voice tone.

Earnings and More

Earnings and More

Markets EQ leverages partnerships with the largest financial platforms on the planet to bring in best-in-class data; from audio, transcripts and more.

Any File

Any File

Convert thousands of documents to structured data to analyze - all at once.

Voice Fingerprints

Voice Fingerprints

Understand every nuance of the speaker through millisecond voice analysis.

Leverage Generative AI

Leverage Generative AI

Our platform integrates fine tuning, prompt engineering, best-in-class cloud models, AI security, data procurement and more.

And Much More

And Much More

We are building capabilities for all financial services communications.



Markets EQ takes compliance and security as a number one priority. The world of AI is moving so quickly we have to continually be the guide for our industry. From certifications that are just released for AI firms to an AWS infrastructure, we deliver for your team.

Join now and leverage the power of your Markets EQ.