When Markets Speak, We Listen.

At Markets EQ, we revolutionize the communications workload for finance professionals with cutting-edge performance intelligence tools.


Titanium is our state-of-the-art earnings call powerhouse, utilizing advanced voice tone technology to analyze earnings calls with unmatched precision. It transforms raw audio into actionable intelligence, revealing hidden trends and empowering you to make confident, informed decisions.

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A standout feature of Titanium, Parallels is a one-of-a-kind tool that compares up to 10 earnings calls simultaneously. It provides extraordinary insights through a comprehensive summary of critical information, dramatically reducing hours of work and enhancing your decision-making effectiveness.

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At the core of our suite is Quantum—an innovative voice-centric dataset developed by our team, which is now the foundation of groundbreaking UChicago/MIT research. Quantum ensures unmatched accuracy and depth, setting a new standard in voice analysis with its revolutionary approach.


MarketScore is your ultimate communications analysis tool, designed to refine and elevate your messaging strategies. It identifies key emotions and tones, provides actionable feedback, and offers customizable insights, empowering you to optimize your communication to the highest level.

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